Jason Brooks

Bobby Valmont's Battle

Against Bullying!

Bobby Valmont’s story is one of resilience, courage, and transformation. In the affluent enclave of East Shore, nestled on the west side of Austin, Texas, Bobby was no stranger to the cruel realities of bullying.

About The Author

Jason Brooks' Saga Of Resilience And Transformation

While ‘The Prince of East Shore’ is a fictional tale, author Jason Brooks infused elements from his own life experiences while growing up in Tarrytown, a neighborhood situated on the west side of Austin, Texas. Much like the protagonist in his novel, Brooks faced personal challenges during his teenage years, including a period of treatment. He also actively participated in high school football, occupying the positions of center and nose guard.

The Prince Of East Shore

Bobby Valmont, born to a beauty queen and a college football star who later became a prominent politician, endures relentless abuse and mistreatment from the affluent youth of East Shore, a privileged community situated to the east of the lake on the west side of Austin, Texas. At sixteen, Bobby decides to confront his tormentors, emerging victorious in a confrontation that sets him on a six-year journey marked by both triumphs and tribulations. Ultimately, he rediscovers himself, finding solace and equilibrium as he returns to the person he was six years prior.




The Ugliest Child In East Shore


Private Richie Rich And The Whore Of East Shore




The Ugliest Child In East Shore


Private Richie Rich And The Whore Of East Shore



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